People and peace in Kiev

Peace is the Only Way

I was all ready to post on a totally different subject today. But it’s impossible to ignore what’s happening in the world. I won’t use your time to push a political agenda. I just want to take a moment to focus on what’s really important: people and peace.

Russia holds a special place in my heart.

I have been married to a Russian for over 25 years. I spent 13 years living in Moscow, longer than any other city in my entire life. His family is now my family. His people are my people. And it is with profound sadness that we all watch the events of today.

I moved to Moscow in 1996, right out of grad school, when democracy and capitalism were still a novelty. It was a wild ride, to say the least. But what made it manageable, what made me stay for those 13 years, was the people. They took me in and gave me a home. They helped me grow to be a better version of myself.

We must strive for peace.

I find it difficult discussing this with my children. They want to know what I think. Can we still go visit babushka and dedushka this summer? Why is this even happening if no one seems to support it? I don’t know what to say. Again, profound sadness and fear. Fear for our friends and their families in Ukraine. Fear that this will spiral even more out of control.

My husband found the picture above when he was thinking about his last trip to Kiev. It actually shocked both of us – how appropriate it is for today. He stands with our son in 2012 on the main square in Kiev, posing with 2 doves, the ultimate symbol of peace.

Peace. That is the only thing certain in my mind these days. Peace is our only path, our only answer.


  • Kristin says:

    Your thoughts are completely apt, and you’ve eloquently described how hard it is for all of us to talk about these incredible happenings. We’ve been thinking of you guys and the family in Russia. Our love and peace to all of you.

  • Deedee Murphy says:

    It’s heartbreaking. I wish that we could achieve a peaceful resolution. I have to remember that this is being caused by an authoritarian government, not the Russian people. Love you and your family

    • Patricia Makatsaria says:

      Yes, please remember that. It’s very scary how helpless they feel as well. A horrible situation. I just hope they can find the strength to stand up to him.

  • Svetlana says:

    Thank you so much for these words. It is true that this is being caused by an authoritarian government, not the Russian people. It’s really very scary and I fell helpless.

    • Patricia Makatsaria says:

      Thank you for your comment, Svetlana. I will do all I can to support all victims of this war.

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