I feel meh

February Funk

I’m having one of those days.  I think the best description of it is simply, “meh.”  It’s mid-February and cold, and I feel meh.  I assume you’ve been there before.  It’s hard to motivate yourself to do things when you’re feeling like this.  I just want to crawl back into bed and binge watch Ozark.  I guess I’m in a February funk.

But it’s also Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) week, built around RAK day, which is this Thursday, February 17th.  And as I constantly tout, acts of kindness have physical and emotional benefits for the doer and the receiver. So, I guess it’s time to listen to my own advice and get my kind on to help dig myself out of this February funk.

So where do I start?

I think the first thing I’m going to do is give myself a break.  This post doesn’t have to be 1000 words.  I’m going to be happy with whatever I come up with, shut the computer and then go do something kind for myself.  Ooooh, like finish that book I’ve been dying to get to.

What can I do for someone else?

I’m feeling super low on energy – so this needs to be easy.  Maybe call a relative I haven’t talked to in a long time?  Or maybe I’ll make my son’s favorite meal for dinner.  Here’s a list of ideas that range from the super simple if you’re struggling too.

And that’s all folks.  I hope if you’re in a funk like I am, you can find your way out.  Just remember:

“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.”


Do you have any suggestions for getting out of a February funk?


  • Kristy Basinger says:

    I was in a funk this morning too! First, just like you, I acknowledge it. Then, I found so many others with much bigger things that they are dealing with. I felt grateful for my few little issues. Headed out to drop a card and gift to a friend who just lost her mom. Thanks Patty!

    • Patricia Makatsaria says:

      Kristy – I love this. And, I’ve heard that many people are feeling this way – makes me feel like it’s temporary. Bring on spring!

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