The War for Kindness

The War for Kindness

November 9, 2021

Reading and listening about kindness makes you think about kindness.  That inevitably makes you act with more kindness.  It just does.  Give it a try.

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"In five years, or one, the world could be a meaner place or a kinder one...if we succumb to our lazier emotional instincts, we will all suffer more. The direction we take-and our collective fate-depends, in a real way, on what each of us decides to feel."
Jamil Zaki

Do you want to live to 100?

Do you want to live to be 100?

November 5, 2021

People in Blue Zones regularly live to be 100. And it’s not just beans and veggies that make it happen.

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My Greatest Regret

My Greatest Regret

November 2, 2021

My greatest regret? That bad haircut? Ditching my career? Nah…those pale in comparison.

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“Courage has a ripple effect. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver. And our world could stand to be a little kinder and braver.”
Brené Brown

My Year of Discovery

My Year of Discovery

October 29, 2021

Have you ever picked a word of the year? For me, it was a brilliant way to put some structure to the uncertainty I was feeling. It was a way to be kinder to myself.

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I Want to Thank You

Do you have skills to share?

October 19, 2021

I think everyone does.  Here’s how to make your own efforts make that difference in someone’s life.

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The WHO of My Pursuit

October 14, 2021

Why should I wait until I know I’m going to die to spend time on the people who mean the most to me?

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Kindness has a ripple effect, and is my oar in the water.
Patricia Makatsaria

Making the Habit of Kindness Stick

Making the Habit of Kindness Stick

October 11, 2021

I have embarked on a pursuit to create a habit of kindness in my life. But how do I make this a habit and not just a fleeting fad?

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"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how."
Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher & Poet

Kindness Habit Vision

My Pursuit to Create the Habit of Kindness

October 8, 2021

Working through the fundamentals of structuring kindness in my daily life.

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Kindness - an Undervalued Resource

Kindness – An Undervalued Resource

October 4, 2021

We said we’d stay in Russia for five years. What started out as a jaunt, morphed into decades abroad. My biggest take-away from 23 years abroad?

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"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi