Groundhog Day Sculpture

Kindness Through Community – A Win for All

February 4, 2022

Showing kindness by volunteering in your community is a win for all involved. Find out why and how you can win today.

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Be kind to yourself

Be Kind to Yourself. I was, and it paid off.

February 1, 2022

Do you feel like you’re always behind, treading water, just keeping your head up? Be kind to yourself. Make some changes to find balance in your life.

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Time for a holiday break

See you after the holidays!

December 24, 2021

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and kind holiday season.

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the strengths of weak ties

The Strengths of Weak Ties

December 20, 2021

Our “weak ties,” the casual friendships in our lives, can be a source of happiness and new opportunities.

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Be kind. Even if no one is looking.

Be kind. Even if no one is looking.

December 14, 2021

We don’t have to be rewarded to reap the benefits of an act of kindness. The impact still exists, even when no one is looking.

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"Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness."

kids kindness book recommendations

My Favorite Kindness Books for Kids

December 10, 2021

Are you still in need of children’s gifts? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s a list of some of my favorite children’s books – with a kindness twist.

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Complimenting others is good for you too

Complimenting Others is Good for You Too

December 7, 2021

It figures that complimenting someone brings them joy. Don’t underestimate how good it is for you too.

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Making a difference with Angel Tree Program

Holiday Wishes Aren’t Always What You Expect

December 3, 2021

The holidays can feel excessive. But I’ve recently discovered that even in my own neighborhood, there are kids with wish lists that are anything but excessive. The Broad Street Angels are trying to make sure those children’s wishes are coming true too.

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Ted donating bone marrow

National Marrow Awareness Month

November 30, 2021

Today is the last day of National Marrow Awareness Month. But being a donor is scary and painful, right? Actually, it isn’t.

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Day 7 Gratitude Challenge - my kids

7 Day Gratitude Challenge

November 24, 2021

Gratitude isn’t only for Thanksgiving. Take the 7 Day Gratitude Challenge and start creating a habit of kindness for yourself now.

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Letting Kindness In

Letting Kindness In

November 16, 2021

Do you find it difficult to let others help you? I know I do. Saying no to kindness doesn’t only affect you.

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College Cheer

Meg’s Story

November 12, 2021

Type 1 Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Pancreatitis, Cancer. These diseases are all life changing…and life-threatening. What if you were only 22 and you had already had all of them?

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Hardship creates an opportunity for kindness.
Patricia Makatsaria