Sometimes the Wolf Cries Girl poem

Suspending Judgment in Court

May 26, 2022

Jury duty required us to make a judgment while, at the same time, suspending judgment. Are you aware of your biases?

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"Judging a person doesn't define who they are, it defines who you are."
- Unknown (

jury duty summons

Jury Duty – Unexpected Perks

May 13, 2022

The dreaded summons arrived – Jury Duty. I had no choice but to serve. I was pleasantly surprised that jury duty had some unexpected perks.

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Listening is a one of the loudest forms of kindness

Listening Skills

May 11, 2022

Do you sometimes glance at your phone when someone is talking to you? I do. Here are the biggest mistakes I make when listening.

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five borough bike tour kindness matters

Five Boro Bike Tour

May 3, 2022

The first Sunday in May, NYC hosts an epic 40 mile bike tour through it’s car-free roads. But the kindness I saw during the event was even more impressive.

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Pay it forward

Pay It Forward

April 29, 2022

Big acts of kindness require self-sacrifice. Are you ready to pay it forward and change someone’s life?

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“Courage has a ripple effect. Every time we choose courage, we make everyone around us a little better and the world a little braver. And our world could stand to be a little kinder and braver.”
- Brené Brown

Cultivate instantaneous generosity by Oliver Burkeman

4000 Weeks: Make Time for Kindness Now

April 26, 2022

Are you always looking for the next trick to be more productive but somehow always feel like you’re running behind? Me too. Here’s a way and why to prioritize kindness.

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Earth Day. Let's be kind to her.

Earth Day

April 22, 2022

Earth Day is a day to reflect on what we can do to be kind to the Earth. But that can be overwhelming.

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Octant Model Flow

Flow: Taming Monkey Brain

April 15, 2022

Are you suffering from monkey brain – feeling distracted and unsettled? Losing yourself in the flow state may be the remedy.

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no judgmentzappos boxes of shoes

No Judgment

April 8, 2022

We all make mistakes. It’s embarrassing and fills us with regret. Consider how to turn it all around with kindness and no judgment.

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spring cleaning messy bed

Spring Cleaning?  Make the most of your donations.

April 5, 2022

It’s that time of year – time for spring cleaning. A big part of that is clearing out and giving away. Take a little extra time to make the most of your donations.

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smiling girl with care package for homeless people

Care Packages for Homeless People

April 1, 2022

Are you unsure how to help homeless people? Here’s a great idea that is fun for all ages: care packages for homeless people. See how we did it!

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help Ukraine - still want to give

Help Ukraine – Reliable Ways to Donate

March 29, 2022

Are you confused about how to best help Ukraine? Here is a comprehensive list of reliable ways to give – just the way you want.

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