Mister Rogers Kindness deep and Simple

Mister Rogers: Kindness – Deep & Simple

November 11, 2022

Mister Rogers is an American legend in television. He also taught us valuable lessons for life. Mister Rogers was a beacon of kindness – deep and simple.

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choose more love puppy

Choose More Love

November 4, 2022

This is not a post to convince you to get a dog. It is about self kindness and improving your life and well-being. How? Choose more love.

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Channeling Grief Into Action_Breast Cancer Awareness

Channeling Grief into Action

October 27, 2022

According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer. Alan Vuong’s family felt its impact firsthand. Read how Alan is channeling his grief into action and saving lives along the way.

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"As of the end of 2020, there were 7.8 million women alive who were diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 5 years, making it the world’s most prevalent cancer."
-World Health Organization

be kind allow failure

Be Kind. Allow Failure.

October 20, 2022

Taking risks is scary. It’s hard to lose. It’s even harder to watch the people in your life lose. Are you kind enough to let them fail?

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scruffy hospitality - valuing connection over perfection

Scruffy Hospitality – Connection Over Perfection

October 12, 2022

When was the last time you entertained? What’s stopping you? Find out how ‘scruffy hospitality’ puts value on connection, not perfection.

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Friendship isn’t about always being ‘excellent’ with one another. Friendship is about preparing a space for authentic conversation. And sometimes authenticity happens when everything is a bit scruffy.
- Jack King

ultimate self care take a julie-day

The Ultimate in Self-Care: Take a Julie-Day

October 5, 2022

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed with life? Take some time to show yourself some kindness. Take a Julie-day.

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“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.”
- Christopher K. Germer

letting go of loved ones - an act of kindness

Letting Go of Loved Ones – An Act of Kindness

October 1, 2022

Life changes and choices need to be made. Your loss – letting go of loved ones – can be the act of kindness that alters someone’s future.

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Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay.
The Dalai Lama

Pass it on a quick kindness story

Pass It On – A Quick Kindness Story

September 28, 2022

Need a pick me up today? Take a few minutes to read “Pass It On” – a quick kindness story and see the ripple effect in action.

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too much time on the to dos

Too Much Time on the To Dos

September 23, 2022

Are you spending too much time on the to dos of life? I was so focused on getting things done, I forgot to be kind. Injecting positivity in my relationship helped break that bad habit.

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coming soon

Any day now…

September 19, 2022
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pinellas hope

My Dad: Leading by Example

June 20, 2022

This Father’s Day, I want to thank my dad. His tireless work in the community co-founding Pinellas Hope to assist the homeless population has been an inspiration.

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“The story that is really important is the people…work hard and relate to people. It’s all about human beings taking care of each other.”
-Frank Murphy

creating a kindness habit-is it worth it?

Creating a Kindness Habit

June 6, 2022

About a year ago, I launched my pursuit to create the habit of kindness in my life. Today I reflect on the ups and downs of the journey.

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