gratitude fatigue - journal

Suffering from Gratitude Fatigue? 10 Useful Ideas to Revitalize Your Gratitude Practice

March 14, 2023

You’ve embraced the idea of a gratitude practice. But are you finding this “me time” a chore? You may be suffering from gratitude fatigue. Find out what you can do about it.

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"It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack."
-Germany Kent

the importance of being seen dog

The Importance of Being Seen

March 6, 2023

“Being seen” is being recognized, accepted, and appreciated. How can you “see” the people in your life in a more meaningful way?

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New York City when kindness goes wrong

When Kindness Goes Wrong

February 23, 2023

Acts of kindness are usually positive experiences–for the doer and the receiver. But not always. What do you do when kindness goes wrong?

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random acts of kindness day today

Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 12, 2023

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. A single act of kindness can completely turn your day around. What will you choose to do today?

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kindness creates connection_greeting cards

Kindness Creates Connection

February 7, 2023

Today is Send a Card to a Friend Day. Even small acts of kindness, like an unexpected card in the mail, can create a big impact. Who will you write today?

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passion my word of the year

What is Your Word of the Year?

February 3, 2023

What’s your word of the year? Mine is passion. Choosing a word of the year to guide your goals and intentions can be a great source of inspiration for the year ahead. Find out how to make your word keep working for you all year long.

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“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.”
-Christopher K. Germer

Finding Stillness in nature

Finding Stillness

January 27, 2023

Life is noisy. Finding stillness can have benefits for our wellbeing and create opportunities for kindness. Take a few moments today to read how you can find stillness in your life.

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“Just be quiet and think. It’ll make all the difference in the world.”
-Mr. Rogers

out of office

Time for R & R

December 25, 2022

I love this time of year…reflecting on the past year and gearing up for the next. It’s also my favorite time for some real rest and relaxation. I hope after the hubbub of the holidays winds down, you are able to find some time to rest in the way that makes you happiest.

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houseguests: consideration is key

Houseguests: Consideration is Key

December 23, 2022

This holiday season, make the most of your visits with friends and family. Whether you’re hosting or a houseguest, showing consideration is key to a successful visit.

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holiday decorating an act of kindness

Holiday Decorating—An Act of Kindness

December 12, 2022

Decorating for the holidays takes time and money. Is it really worth the effort? It is when you consider it from another angle—an act of kindness.

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I am grateful to be on the mend!

December 3, 2022
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gratitude challenge day 7 family recipes

Gratitude Challenge – The Little Things

November 24, 2022

The busy holidays are almost here. Be kind to yourself: take a moment to savor the good in life. Join me in my Gratitude Challenge.

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"Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever."
-Charlotte Brontë