kids kindness book recommendations

My Favorite Kindness Books for Kids

December 10, 2021

Are you still in need of children’s gifts? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here’s a list of some of my favorite children’s books – with a kindness twist.

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Making a difference with Angel Tree Program

Holiday Wishes Aren’t Always What You Expect

December 3, 2021

The holidays can feel excessive. But I’ve recently discovered that even in my own neighborhood, there are kids with wish lists that are anything but excessive. The Broad Street Angels are trying to make sure those children’s wishes are coming true too.

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Ted donating bone marrow

National Marrow Awareness Month

November 30, 2021

Today is the last day of National Marrow Awareness Month. But being a donor is scary and painful, right? Actually, it isn’t.

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Letting Kindness In

Letting Kindness In

November 16, 2021

Do you find it difficult to let others help you? I know I do. Saying no to kindness doesn’t only affect you.

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The War for Kindness

The War for Kindness

November 9, 2021

Reading and listening about kindness makes you think about kindness.  That inevitably makes you act with more kindness.  It just does.  Give it a try.

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"In five years, or one, the world could be a meaner place or a kinder one...if we succumb to our lazier emotional instincts, we will all suffer more. The direction we take-and our collective fate-depends, in a real way, on what each of us decides to feel."
Jamil Zaki

Kindness - an Undervalued Resource

Kindness – An Undervalued Resource

October 4, 2021

We said we’d stay in Russia for five years. What started out as a jaunt, morphed into decades abroad. My biggest take-away from 23 years abroad?

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"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi