be my neighbor day

Be My Neighbor Day–15 Acts of Kindness for Your Neighbor

We probably see this person at least every week–maybe every day. In fact, we practically live with them. But sometimes, we don’t even know their name. Our neighbor: someone who is right in front of us but often overlooked. Today is Be My Neighbor Day, and I’ve got 15 kind ideas to make your neighbor’s day.

Consider This

Juggling the to-do’s in life is a challenge. And even though we may understand the importance of being seen, it can seem overwhelming to try and spend quality time on or with even the most important people in our lives. Adding onto our list by considering our neighbors may not be a top priority.

But that’s worth reconsidering. Neighbors are an important part of our lives, regardless of how close our relationship may or may not be. They can make the difference when life is at its toughest, providing aid or noticing problems when our health, safety or home may be threatened.

Mister Rogers kindness
Mister Rogers as I remember him. Photo credit:

A Model Neighbor for All of Us

Be My Neighbor Day is an international holiday that is meant to encourage a spirit of kindness and friendship between neighbors. It was created to celebrate the memory of Fred Rogers, a person who spent his life teaching others how to be a good neighbor.

In my previous post, Mister Rogers: Kindness–Deep and Simple, I outline how Mr. Rogers deeply impacted society with his iconic television show for children. His consistent message of kindness, infused with his legendary calm demeanor, will always be remembered.

As Rogers said in his book, The World According to Mister Rogers:

“Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered…just one kind word to another person. Sometimes all it takes is one kind word to nourish another person.”

15 Acts of Kindness for Your Neighbor

1. Take their empty trash cans back up their driveway.

2. Bake them a treat and hand deliver it.

3. Host a Mister Rogers Neighborhood viewing party for the local children and yours. (You can find the show here:

4. Write positive messages in chalk on the sidewalk.

5. Leave a daisy in the door knocker of the homes nearby.

6. Build a “Little Library” to kick off a book exchange.

7. Share your bulk purchases from Costco. I mean, who really needs so many eggs?

8. Organize a progressive party around the neighborhood. Everyone can pitch in.

9. Shovel their snow as a welcome surprise.

10. Walk your neighbor’s dog or play with their children for an hour before dinner to give them an extra helping hand at a busy time.

11. Offer to help while they’re away: bring in the packages, water the plants.

12. Participate in the Buy Nothing Project. In my post, Spring Cleaning: Make the Most of Your Donations, I talk about how one person’s trash is another’s treasure.  And this project makes it easy, providing a platform to connect neighbors and their needs with no money involved, only goodwill.

13. Pick up trash as you walk in the neighborhood.

14. Purchase whatever your neighbors’ kids are offering. It’s not about what you’re getting, it’s the support you’re providing.

15. Just look up from your phone, smile, and say hello the next time you run into them.

No Regrets

Our neighbors are a potential source of safety, assistance, and maybe even friendship. Today is the perfect day to start. Get on out there and be neighborly on this Be My Neighbor Day. You won’t regret it.


  • Barbara Murphy says:

    The “purchase whatever your neighborhood kids are offering “ cut me to the heart. I feel like I’ve been a Scrooge too often. Time to change!

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