Day 7 Gratitude Challenge - my kids

7 Day Gratitude Challenge

You’re probably going to hear a lot about gratitude in the coming days, especially if you live in America.  Thanksgiving, an American national holiday being celebrated next Thursday, is traditionally a time when we are encouraged to give thanks for our blessings. 

As a nod to the holiday, I’m kicking off a 7 Day Gratitude Challenge.

Recent studies have demonstrated the positive effect a gratitude practice has on your health and well-being.  With benefits such as decreased stress levels and improved life satisfaction, it’s no wonder gratitude is becoming recognized as something we should practice more than once a year.

With that in mind, my hope is that this challenge will be the beginning of a new habit of kindness – one you take time to do for yourself.  Taking time to pause and reflect on the good – not once a year, but every day.  And if you want a real boost, share your gratitude with others and spread the positivity.

I am running the challenge on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (find my links at the bottom of the page) or you can make submissions to me right here!  Go ahead, give it a try – let’s see if we feel any of those health benefits.  It certainly can’t hurt. 

DAY 1 – November 19th

Day 1 Gratitude Challenge
Mila, my little lady, has stolen my heart. She opened up a whole new way to love in my family.

Day 2 – November 20th

Weekends. No explanation needed. We all need a little downtime. I just need to be better at actually taking it!

Day 3 – November 21st

Wall of pictures of loved ones.
My circle of loved ones. So, so blessed to have a lifetime of friends and family around me.

Day 4 – November 22nd

Day 4 of Gratitude challenge with my husband at the Twin Lights Bike Ride.
This guy. I love my life, and he’s one of the main reasons why. Every day is an adventure in the very best of ways.

Day 5 – November 23rd

Day 6 – November 24th

The holidays.  Something about the music, the cold weather, the smell of pine.  Brings me so much joy.

Day 7 – November 25th

Day 7 gratitude challenge - my kids
My kiddos.  Remember how I said I loved my life?  The biggest reason why. 

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